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October 2, 2012 11:40 am
Published by Michael Saunders
The Air Force — Research Lab, within the Department of Defense has announced funding in the amount of $50,000,000 to support the FY12 Air Force Defense Research and Development Rapid Innovation Fund Program.
Efforts awarded under this Broad Agency Announcement should resolve operational challenges characterized by the national security areas of particular interest to the Air Force and Department of Defense.
For more information on this government grant visit:
Money for Air Force Defense Research and Development Rapid Innovation Fund
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National Endowment for the Humanities: National Digital Newspaper Program
The goal of the National Digital Newspaper Program is to crate a national digital resource of historically significant newspapers published between the years 1836 and 1922, from all of the States and its territories.
Smart Probation: Reducing Prison Populations, Saving Money, and Creating Safer Communities Program
In line with this mission, the Office of Justice Programs has recently established the Smart Probation: Reducing Prison Populations, Saving Money, and Creating Safer Communities Program in an attempt to substantially improve probation success rates, while simultaneously improve public safety, reducing returns to prisons and jails, and saving essential taxpayer dollars.
Medical Tropical Research Laboratory Program Infectious Disease Research Award
AFRIMS has recently announced the WRAIR Medical Tropical Research Laboratory Program(MTRLP) Infectious Disease Research Award(IDRA), a funding opportunity which solicits proposals that aim to tackle basic, preclinical and clinical research of emerging infectious diseases in Thailand and a certain region in Southeast Asia.
Government Grants Within The United States Transportation Sector
Getting from point A to point B could be both the simplest and most complex issues to ever grace the existence of mankind. Though for the any government, especially the United States government which takes pride in the constantly ensuring the safety and welfare of its people, the issue of transportation is an entirely different story.
Eradication of HIV from CNS Reservoirs: Implications for Therapeutics Grant Program
The National Institutes of Health has collaborated with The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS), and The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID) in an attempt to establish the Eradication of HIV from CNS Reservoirs: Implications for Therapeutics Grant Program.
October 1, 2012 10:45 pm
Published by Michael Saunders
National Aeronautics and Space Administration Headquarters has announced funding to support the ROSES 2012: In-Space Validation of Earth Science Technologies.
This Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences Research Announcement solicits proposals for supporting basic and applied research and technology across a broad range of Earth and space science program elements relevant to one or more of the following NASA Research Programs: Earth Science, Heliophysics, Planetary Science, and Astrophysics.
Awards range from under $100K per year for focused, limited efforts (e.g., data analysis) to more than $1M per year for extensive activities (e.g., development of science experiment hardware).
For more information on this government grant visit:
Funding for In-Space Validation of Earth Science Technologies
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United States Department of Agriculture: Rural Development
USDA Rural Development is an agency that is operating under the United States Department of Agriculture. The primary goal of the USDA RD is to assist in the improvement of the economy and quality of life in rural areas located in the United States.
Department of Agriculture: Value Added Producer Grants
The Value-Added Producer Grants program is geared towards helping the Independent Producers of Agricultural Commodities, Agriculture Producer Groups, Farmer and Rancher Cooperatives, and Majority-Controlled Producer-Based Business Ventures in developing techniques that would create marketing opportunities and establish business plans involving viable marketing opportunities that involve the production of bio-based products from agricultural commodities.
Common Bean Productivity Research for Global Food Security Competitive Grants Program
In keeping with this mission, the National Institute of Food and Agriculture has recently established the Common Bean Productivity Research for Global Food Security Competitive Grants Program in an attempt to develop approaches and methods that can efficiently address the various challenges facing common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) production among small holder producers in food insecure countries.
Learning Disabilities Innovation Hubs Program
The National Institutes of Health has partnered with the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) to establish the Learning Disabilities Innovation Hubs Program where both agencies intend to solicit resource-related research project grant applications that concentrate on the etiology, manifestation, prevention, and remediation of writing, reading, or mathematics learning disabilities.
Business Loans From GovLoans
The government has launched innumerable programs that are all geared towards the achievement of this goal. Some of these programs involve the provision of technical assistance, training sessions, and strategies that would potentially help business owners in marketing their products and in expanding their businesses.
September 26, 2012 4:14 pm
Published by Michael Saunders

Adult Pacific Lamprey
The Fish and Wildlife Service, within the Department of the Interior has announced funding in the amount of $50,000 to support the Lamprey Holding Facility Improvements and Data Base Creation.
The goal of improving the lamprey holding facility as identified in the Cooperative Agreement will benefit the peoples of the Nez Perce Tribe by enhancing the health of the Pacific Lamprey adults before translocation and thus increasing their success of spawning.
For more information on this government grant visit:
Fish and Wildlife Support for Lamprey Holding Facility Improvements and Data Base Creation
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YouthBuild Grants Program
The Employment and Training Administration has recently established the YouthBuild Grants Program in an effort to financially support organizations that seek to oversee the provision of education, occupational skills training, and employment services to disadvantaged youth in their communities while performing meaningful work and service to their communities.
Disaster Relief Loans from GovLoans
GovLoans is a website created by the United States Federal Government that is designed to serve as the public’s gateway to loan program information. One of the several kinds of loans that are featured in the GovLoans website are Disaster Relief loans.
Smart Probation: Reducing Prison Populations, Saving Money, and Creating Safer Communities Program
In line with this mission, the Office of Justice Programs has recently established the Smart Probation: Reducing Prison Populations, Saving Money, and Creating Safer Communities Program in an attempt to substantially improve probation success rates, while simultaneously improve public safety, reducing returns to prisons and jails, and saving essential taxpayer dollars.
Small Business Grants – Support for Veterans
The SBA is dedicated to lend a hand to the service people in America and directly links with the Patriot Express Loan for veterans who desire to initiate their own business and want to start commercial activities. The SBA also plays a role in encouraging growth and job creation during the process, which is an indispensable part to support economic prosperity.
Zambia Economic Resilience Program for Improved Food Security
The Zambia Economic Resilience Program for Improved Food Security is designed to implement innovative techniques and approaches that would hopefully enable the community’s most vulnerable and poor rural families to improve food security by strengthening their economic resilience.
September 26, 2012 3:58 pm
Published by Michael Saunders

Mission Bay Brownfield Site in San Francisco
The Environmental Protection Agency has announced funding in the amount of $5,000,000 to support the Technical Assistance to Brownfields Community Program.
The Agency has released an availability of funds and is soliciting proposals from eligible entities, including eligible non-profit organizations to provide technical assistance to communities on brownfield issues.
For more information on this government grant visit:
Support Announced for Technical Assistance to Brownfields Community Program
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ENGAGE: Learning to Solve Problems, Solving Problems to Learn
The ENGAGE program is initially seeking to uncover proposals for innovative research studies that would lead young students to be more “engaged” in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics(STEM).
Disaster Relief Loans from GovLoans
GovLoans is a website created by the United States Federal Government that is designed to serve as the public’s gateway to loan program information. One of the several kinds of loans that are featured in the GovLoans website are Disaster Relief loans.
Urban Rehabilitation Homeownership Program for Homebuyers in Connecticut
In accordance with this mission, the Connecticut Housing Finance Authority has established the Urban Rehabilitation Homeownership Program wherein it intends to home purchase loans at steady, below-market rates together with home improvement loans with no interest, all in an attempt to support homeownership and investment in selected Connecticut neighborhoods.
National Endowment for the Humanities: Sustaining Cultural Heritage Collections
The Sustaining Cultural Heritage Collections(SCHC)program aims to help in tackling the complex challenge of preserving vast and diverse holdings of humanities materials.
Grants From the Department of Housing and Urban Development
Iola Bonggay is an editor of one the the most comprehensive Websites offering information on government grants and federal government programs.
She also maintains Websites providing resources on environmental grants and grants for youth programs.
September 26, 2012 2:59 pm
Published by Michael Saunders

Dugout canoe moved to the Hibulb Cultural Center for Conservation. An example of a PTT funded project.
The National Park Service, an agency of the Department of the Interior, has announced funding in the amount of $250,000 to support the 2013 Preservation Technology and Training Grants.
The National Center for Preservation Technology and Training advances the application of science and technology to historic preservation. Working in the fields of archeology, architecture, landscape architecture and materials conservation, the Center accomplishes its mission through training, education, research, technology transfer and partnerships.
NCPTT seeks innovative projects that advance science and technology for historic preservation.
For more information on this government grant visit:
2013 Funding for Preservation Technology and Training Grants
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Grants From The Department of Agriculture
The US Department of Agriculture aims to achieve this mission by way of programs, including grants, loans and other forms of financial assistance that are made consistently made available to farmers and eligible agricultural sectors.
Migratory Bird Joint Ventures: Playa Lakes Joint Venture Base Operations
The Southwest Region of the US Fish and Wildlife Service is now seeking applications and proposals for the start of base operations, that is core support staff activities and functions, for the Playa Lakes Joint Venture partnership.
Department of Housing and Urban Development: Energy Innovation Funds for Multifamily Pilot Program
Pursuant to the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2010, the Department of Housing and Urban Development(HUD), has recently announced a funding opportunity entitled Energy Innovation Fund: Multifamily Pilot Program.
Getting Money to Start a New Business
Starting a new business can be an exciting venture
unfortunately, it can also be quite expensive as well. In order to get the money that you need to get your business off of the ground, you might be…
Government Grants Within The United States Energy Sector
Protecting the integrity of these energy sources, much less nurturing them and improving them for continued use, is and has never been an easy feat. The United States government is aware that the country would practically fail to function without energy, and for this reason, along with many others, it has established several federal agencies that are tasked specifically to ensure that the United States of America will never have to know what it feels like to not have power.
September 26, 2012 2:44 pm
Published by Michael Saunders

Development of Afghanistan’s oil and gas resources is essential to the country’s economic development.
The Department of Defense has announced funding in the amount of $4,500,000 to support Industrial Zone Development in Afghanistan.
The Washington Headquarters Services Acquisition Directorate, on behalf of the Task Force for Business and Stability Operations (TFBSO), proposes to award a cooperative agreement on a single-source basis to Yasmin ARA LLC LTD (Yasmin). The purpose of the cooperative agreement is to assist with establishing an anchor tenant in a new industrial zone in Mazar-e-Sharif, Afghanistan and completing site preparation and access for the entire industrial zone.
Under this agreement, Yasmin, in cooperation with the TFBSO, will provide direct benefit to Afghanistan citizens as the agreement will promote development of domestic natural gas and mining industries, generate income to the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan.
For more information on this government grant visit:
Defense Department Support for Afghanistan Industrial Zone Development
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Zambia Economic Resilience Program for Improved Food Security
The Zambia Economic Resilience Program for Improved Food Security is designed to implement innovative techniques and approaches that would hopefully enable the community’s most vulnerable and poor rural families to improve food security by strengthening their economic resilience.
Department of Housing and Urban Development: Energy Innovation Funds for Multifamily Pilot Program
The Department of Housing and Urban Development, has recently announced a funding opportunity entitled Energy Innovation Fund: Multifamily Pilot Program.
Energy Innovation Fund is directed towards the discovery of innovations in terms of the residential energy efficiency sector and to help in the development of a standardized home energy efficient retrofit market.
Effect of Physicochemical Properties of Ophthalmic Formulations on Ocular Bioavailability Program
In this capacity, the Food and Drug Administration has recently established the Effect of Physicochemical Properties of Ophthalmic Formulations on Ocular Bioavailability Program in an attempt to study the effects of various physicochemical properties of ophthalmic suspensions and emulsions on ocular bioavailability.
California Housing Finance Agency
The California Housing Finance Agency, otherwise known as CalHFA, is an independent, self-supporting agency that was chartered to as the State’s affordable housing bank to make low interest rate loans through the sale of tax-exempt bonds; with these bonds being repaid by revenues generated through mortgage loans, instead of taxpayer dollars.
Grand Challenges in Global Mental Health: Integrating Mental Health into Chronic Disease Care Provision in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
The National Institutes of Health has recently formed a partnership with the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) in order to establish the Grand Challenges in Global Mental Health: Integrating Mental Health into Chronic Disease Care Provision in Low- and Middle-Income Countries Program.
September 25, 2012 10:45 am
Published by Michael Saunders

Coronation Island, Alaska
The Department of Commerce has announced funding of $900,000 to support the Exxon Valdez Habitat and Water Quality Improvement Grants Program. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) will conduct this grant competition.
The NOAA Fisheries Service is soliciting proposals on behalf of the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Trustee Council for marine habitat restoration, protection, planning and improvement projects in Exxon Valdez Oil Spill affected communities and environments
For more information on this government grant visit:
Money to Support Exxon Valdez Habitat and Water Quality Improvement Grants
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Rehabilitation Mortgage Insurance Program
The Department of Housing and Urban Development, otherwise known as HUD, is a Cabinet department in the executive branch of the United States federal government.
Pell Grants – Help with Financing Your Education
The Federal Pell Grant Program is overseen by the Department of Education and falls under the Federal Student Aid Information Center. In order to be eligible students must be enrolled in eligible schools that may be public or private nonprofit institutions of higher education.
Business Loans From GovLoans
The government has launched innumerable programs that are all geared towards the achievement of this goal. Some of these programs involve the provision of technical assistance, training sessions, and strategies that would potentially help business owners in marketing their products and in expanding their businesses.
National Science Foundation announces the Cyberlearning: Transforming Education Program
The Cyberlearning: Transforming Education is a program wherein the NSF will provide funding for research proposals that aim to explore opportunities associated with the promotion and assessment of learning techniques through the help of new technologies, taking advantage of the application of those technologies, and the utilization of those technologies in the process of promoting deep and lasting learning of content, practices, skills, attitudes, and dispositions that are essential in becoming an engaged and productive citizen.
Ethical Schools Project in Peru
The Ethical Schools Project revolves around the notion of promoting a culture of ethical behavior and civic responsibility among members of the youth, as well as teachers and parents. The project also aims to explore ways that would contribute to a reduction in corruption and other forms of illicit activities such as cocoa cultivation and illegal environmental degradation, which are both common practices in Peru.
September 25, 2012 12:52 am
Published by Michael Saunders

The American Black Duck is one of hundreds of species to benefit from wetlands conservation grants under the North American Wetlands Conservation Act.
The Fish and Wildlife Service, within the Department of the Interior has announced funding in the amount of $100,000 to support the North American Wetland Conservation Act Program Delivery.
The single source award will go to Northern Prairie Land Trust for the purpose of assisting USFWS in identifying properties for purchase, either through fee title acquisition or purchasing wetland or grassland easements.
For more information on this government grant visit:
North American Wetland Conservation Act Program Delivery
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Environmental Exposures and Health: Exploration of Non-Traditional Settings Program
In according with this mission, the National Institutes of Health has partnered with the National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR) and the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) to establish the Environmental Exposures and Health: Exploration of Non-Traditional Settings Program.
Disaster Relief Loans from GovLoans
GovLoans is a website created by the United States Federal Government that is designed to serve as the public’s gateway to loan program information. One of the several kinds of loans that are featured in the GovLoans website are Disaster Relief loans.
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences: Centers for Oceans and Human Health
The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences has recently established a funding opportunity entitled Centers for Oceans and Human Health which provide linkages between members of ocean sciences and biomedical communities in the hopes of supporting interdisciplinary studies in areas where thorough understanding of marine processes and ecosystems harbor the potential to reduce public health risks.
Urban Rehabilitation Homeownership Program for Homebuyers in Connecticut
In accordance with this mission, the Connecticut Housing Finance Authority has established the Urban Rehabilitation Homeownership Program wherein it intends to home purchase loans at steady, below-market rates together with home improvement loans with no interest, all in an attempt to support homeownership and investment in selected Connecticut neighborhoods.
National Endowment for the Arts: Literature Translation Fellowship 2012
The National Endowment for the Arts has constituted the Literature Fellowship for Translation Projects grant. The grant provides fellowships for published translators as they translate specific works of prose, poetry or drama.
September 25, 2012 12:28 am
Published by Michael Saunders

Golden Eagle
The Fish and Wildlife Service, within the Department of the Interior has announced funding in the amount of $17,564 to support a Baseline Avian Survey on Buckley Air Force Base.
The tasks to be performed under this agreement include:
- Determine avian species diversity and abundance on BAFB
- Survey soaring and or foraging raptors
- Survey spring migrants and breeding passerines
- Opportunistic surveys for waterfowl
- Obtain density estimates using distance sampling approach
For more information on this government grant visit:
Support for Baseline Avian Survey on Buckley Air Force Base
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US Agency for International Development Announces Funding for Food and Nutrition Technical Assistance
The US Agency for International Development: Bureau of Global Health has recently announced a funding opportunity amounting to $200,000,000 in order to support the Food and Nutrition Technical Assistance (FANTA III) project.
Department of Human Health and Services: Family Planning Services Grant
OPHS has recently announced the availability of funding opportunities for the establishment and implementation of voluntary family planning service projects.
Solar Decathlon and Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Showcase Event
The Solar Decathlon and Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Showcase Event seeks to promote and encourage the outreach, education and economic benefits of energy security, as well as renewable energy and energy efficiency through the demonstration of various EERE technologies that can be utilized in the community.
Construction Incentive Program for First Time Home Buyers in New York
Under the State of New York Mortgage Agency, the Construction Incentive Program has been established. The goal of this program is to enable the construction of one and two family homes through the provision of funds, up to 97% of the value of the property, to eligible low to moderate income first time home buyers.
National Science Foundation announces the Cyberlearning: Transforming Education Program
The Cyberlearning: Transforming Education is a program wherein the NSF will provide funding for research proposals that aim to explore opportunities associated with the promotion and assessment of learning techniques through the help of new technologies, taking advantage of the application of those technologies, and the utilization of those technologies in the process of promoting deep and lasting learning of content, practices, skills, attitudes, and dispositions that are essential in becoming an engaged and productive citizen.
September 20, 2012 9:49 am
Published by Michael Saunders

A group of male African elephants
The Fish and Wildlife Service, within the Department of the Interior has announced funding in the amount of $1,700,000 to support the Wildlife Without Borders African Elephant Conservation Fund.
In 1988 Congress passed the African Elephant Conservation Act in response to the alarming decline of African elephant populations.
The Act provides for the establishment of an African Elephant Conservation Fund to provide financial assistance to support projects that will enhance sustainable conservation programs to ensure effective, long-term conservation of African elephants.
For more information on this government grant visit:
Funding Availability for African Elephant Conservation Fund
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How The Government Can Help Your Small Business
The United States Small Business Administration, otherwise known as SBA, is a United States government agency that was established on the 30th day of July, 1953.
Disaster Relief Loans from GovLoans
GovLoans is a website created by the United States Federal Government that is designed to serve as the public’s gateway to loan program information. One of the several kinds of loans that are featured in the GovLoans website are Disaster Relief loans.
National Science Foundation announces the Cyberlearning: Transforming Education Program
The Cyberlearning: Transforming Education is a program wherein the NSF will provide funding for research proposals that aim to explore opportunities associated with the promotion and assessment of learning techniques through the help of new technologies, taking advantage of the application of those technologies, and the utilization of those technologies in the process of promoting deep and lasting learning of content, practices, skills, attitudes, and dispositions that are essential in becoming an engaged and productive citizen.
Mobile Health Tools to Promote Effective Patient Provider Communication to Underserved Populations
The National Institute of Nursing Research, in cooperation with the Office of Dietary Supplements has constituted the funding opportunity for Mobile Health tools aimed at the improvement of effective patient-provider communication, adherence to treatment and self-management of chronic diseases in underserved populations.
Zambia Economic Resilience Program for Improved Food Security
The Zambia Economic Resilience Program for Improved Food Security is designed to implement innovative techniques and approaches that would hopefully enable the community’s most vulnerable and poor rural families to improve food security by strengthening their economic resilience.