Fellowships for Digital Publication

This program supports individual scholars pursuing significant humanities projects that require digital expression and publication.

It provides recipients with time to conduct research, prepare publications, and develop and incorporate multimedia or interactive components using existing technologies

and platforms.

Recipients must publish their products in digital form.

Outcomes and outputs include, but are not limited to, monographs, peer-reviewed articles, websites, virtual exhibitions, translations with annotations or a critical apparatus, and critical editions.

This opportunity was formerly known as the NEH-Mellon Fellowships for Digital Publication.

This will be the last year it is offered.

We encourage future individual applicants interested in digital publication to apply to the NEH Fellowships program.
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Promotion of the Humanities_Fellowships and Stipends

National Endowment For The Humanities

Agency: National Endowment For The Humanities

Office: National Endowment for the Humanities

Estimated Funding: $300,000

Who's Eligible

Relevant Nonprofit Program Categories

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Eligibility Information in the Notice of Funding Opportunity.

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Edited by: Michael Saunders

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