U.S. Embassy in Madagascar and Comoros PDS Annual Program Statement

The Public Diplomacy Section (PDS) of the U. S. Embassy in Madagascar and Comoros, part of the U. S. Department of State, is pleased to announce that funding is available through its Public Diplomacy Small Grants Program.

This Annual Program Statement outlines our funding priorities, our strategic

themes, and the procedures for submitting requests for funding.

The Public Diplomacy Small Grants Program supports projects proposed by U.S., Malagasy, and/or Comorian educational, cultural, and other non-profit organizations or individuals that promote U. S. values, strengthen understanding between U. S. and Malagasy and/or Comorian people and institutions, and/or support U. S. Embassy goals of promoting transparency and good governance, economic prosperity, and sustainable development of natural resources.

All programs must include a U. S. cultural element, or connection with U. S. expert(s), organization(s), or institution(s) that will promote increased understanding of U. S. policy and perspectives.

Examples of Public Diplomacy Small Grants Program programs include, but are not limited to academic and professional lectures, seminars, and speaker programs; training, workshops, or courses to develop professional or academic skills; youth engagement programs; artistic and cultural workshops, joint performances, and exhibitions; cultural heritage conservation and preservation programs; professional and academic exchanges and programs; communication campaign related to human rights, democracy, and environment.

Proposed programs should be completed in 24 months or less.

PDS will entertain applications for continuation grants funded under these awards beyond the initial budget period on a non-competitive basis subject to availability of funds, satisfactory progress of the program, and a determination that continued funding would be in the best interest of the U. S. Department of State.

All application materials must be submitted to the Public Diplomacy Section (PDS) of the U. S. Embassy in Madagascar and Comoros at the following email address:
Related Programs

Public Diplomacy Programs

Department of State

Agency: Department of State

Office: U.S. Mission to Madagascar

Estimated Funding: $100,000

Obtain Full Opportunity Text:

Additional Information of Eligibility:
The Public Diplomacy Section encourages applications from the United States, Madagascar, and Comoros: • Registered not-for-profit organizations, including think tanks and civil society/non-governmental organizations with programming experience; • Individuals; • Non-profit or governmental educational institutions; • Governmental institutions.

For-profit or commercial entities are not eligible to apply.

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Edited by: Michael Saunders

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