The purpose of these activities is to assist in building surveillance capacity to aid in preventing and, ultimately, eliminating childhood lead poisoning as a major public health problem.
This FOA goes beyond historical efforts to support childhood lead poisoning surveillance activities,
and it will award approximately $11 million through cooperative agreements to use surveillance data to identify the highest risk areas and implement appropriate population-based prevention interventions wherever needs are identified.
Examples of such interventions include housing rehabilitation, enforcement of housing and health codes, engagement with health care systems, public and health care provider education campaigns related to lead contamination through other sources (e.g., imported items), and other educational and public health activities.
Data may also be used to designate areas as lead safe and qualify applicants to apply for a universal blood lead testing waiver through Medicaid.
The surveillance data on the nature and extent of high BLLs should be used to identify remaining at-risk geographic areas to target implementation of population-based, primary prevention interventions (e.g., housing rehabilitation, enforcement of housing and health codes, engagement with health care systems, public and health care provider education campaigns related to lead contamination through other sources (e.g., imported items), and other educational and public health activities) and evaluate the timeliness and efficacy of case management of children identified with high BLLs