EPA supports research that advances the science and provides the information critical to improving the Nation’s air quality.
EPA seeks projects that support research and demonstration of innovative and cost-effective solutions for improving air quality.
Examples of relevant topic
areas include, but are not limited to, assessment of human and ecosystem exposures and effects associated with air pollutants on individual, community, regional, and national scales; development and evaluation of approaches to prevent and reduce air pollution, particularly sustainable, cost-effective, and innovative multipollutant and sector-based approaches; and human exposure and environmental modeling, monitoring, metrics, and information needed to inform air quality decision making at the state, Tribal and local level.The P3 program is emphasizing the use of innovation in projects submitted to this announcement.
The program challenges and empowers interdisciplinary student teams to transform their classroom learning into hands-on experience by designing and demonstrating tangible solutions to real-world environmental issues in their communities.