
Under SAFETEA-LU, Congress authorized the Safety Data Improvement Program (SaDIP) Grant funding opportunity.

The goal of this grant program is to improve the quality, completeness, timeliness and quantity of data collected by the States about commercial motor vehicle crashes in support of FMCSA’s


data requirements.

This data will be used to evaluate program effectiveness, identify problems and trends in crash and safety data reporting, and help target spending to support the States in their efforts to improve commercial motor vehicle safety.

By capturing more timely, complete and accurate crash and inspection data, CMV drivers and carriers can more accurately be targeted for operations review.

Improvements in the quality of data collected on commercial motor vehicles involved crashes and inspections will facilitate the identification of problem drivers and carriers, provide a solid foundation of data on which safety analyses, program evaluation and regulatory effectiveness can be based.
Related Programs

Safety Data Improvement Program

Department of Transportation

Who's Eligible

Relevant Nonprofit Program Categories

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Magdalene Skretta

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Edited by: Michael Saunders

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