The purpose of this additional funding is to increase access to high quality family-centered HIV health care services for low-income women, infants, children, and youth, commonly abbreviated as WICY.
HRSA intends funding under this program to support one short-term activity that can be completed
by the end of the one-year period of performance.
You may propose an expansion of an activity previously supported under the FY2023 or FY2024 RWHAP Part D Supplemental funding (HRSA-23-050; HRSA-24-061) or Part C Capacity Development funding (HRSA-23-052; HRSA-24-062) for either an HIV Care Innovation or Infrastructure Development activity; however, HRSA will not fund the same activity in FY 2025 as HRSA funded previously in FY 2023 or FY 202 4. If the proposed project is an expansion of a previously funded activity, you must provide a clear rationale for how the proposed activity builds upon and furthers the objectives of the previously funded activity.