1) Note:
A full study proposal and proposed budget are NOT requested at this time.2) Project Title:
Comprehensive Stranding Investigations for High Priority Marine Mammal Species in the Hawaiian and Mariana Archipelagos, Navy US Pacific Fleet, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.3) Brief Description of Anticipated
Providing technical natural resource support to assist the Navy in efforts of comprehensive stranding investigations for priority species such as beaked whales, false killer whales and pygmy killer whales as well as secondary priority species such as dwarf and pygmy sperm whales, melon-headed whales, pilot whales and humpback whales are needed by Navy.
This critical information is required for environmental compliance documents, consultations, and public education and outreach.
This requires mounting an immediate response to each newly reported stranding event that occurs over the project duration and conducting extensive necropsy examinations, including histopathology, disease surveillance, and tissue sampling in support of numerous research efforts aimed at better understanding Hawaiian and Mariana cetaceans.4) Period of Performance:
Base period - 12 months from date of award.
Follow-on (FO) periods - Four 12-month FO periods5) Please send responses or direct questions to:Nicholas A.
ApreaGrants SpecialistUSACE, Fort Worth DistrictEmail:
Nicholas.a.aprea@usace.army.milKathy S.
MitchellProject ManagerUSACE, Fort Worth DistrictEmail:
kathy.s.mitchell@usace.army.mil6) Timeline for Review of Statements of Interest:
30 calendar days from date posted