Through the $35,200 state grant, MIC can support economic development by teaching aspiring inventors the process of developing marketable products, holds the annual expo and workshops, hosts the Minnesota Student Inventors Congress as well as the Invention and Idea Show, and provides Curriculum to rural students.
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Programs that support the personal and social development of individuals and families; provide care, protection and supervision; and enhance the individual's independence and ability to manage his or her own resources. See also: Food (K03); Health Care (Major Group E); Housing (Major Group L); Legal Services (I05); Mental Health, Substance Abuse (Major Group F); Recreation & Sports (Major Group N); Youth Development (Major Group O) Use references: Community Services; Multiservice Programs; Neighborhood Multipurpose Centers; Settlement House Programs; Social Services; Social Work
Programs that support the personal and social development of individuals and families; provide care, protection and supervision; and enhance the individual's independence and ability to manage his or her own resources. See also: Food (K03); Health Care (Major Group E); Housing (Major Group L); Legal Services (I05); Mental Health, Substance Abuse (Major Group F); Recreation & Sports (Major Group N); Youth Development (Major Group O) Use references: Community Services; Multiservice Programs; Neighborhood Multipurpose Centers; Settlement House Programs; Social Services; Social Work
Programs that focus on protecting and promoting the broad civil rights and civil liberties of individuals and work to change public policy and opinion in a variety of areas. See also: +COMMON CODE Advocacy (**B); Hate Crimes Prevention (I02.07); Housing Discrimination (I05.08); Voter Services (W08.05)
Monika Mitchell, founder of Good Business New York, asks, Do You Have What it Takes to Be a Social Entrepreneur? She lists down the five P’s essential in every entrepreneur: Passion. Purpose. Plan. Partner. Profit.