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Small Business Grants from the National Institute of Justice
NIJ FY17 ABCD Sub-Study on Social Development
Funding from this award will support the first year of a sub-study involving 5 of the 21 ABCD sites to include measures of delinquency and victimization in their investigations. The sub-study will...morePosted On - 2017-06-26
NIJ FY17 Visiting Fellows Program
Awards made under the NIJ Visiting Fellows Program will bring leading practitioners, policymakers, and researchers into residency at NIJ to make important scholarly contributions in their chosen...morePosted On - 2017-01-25
Featured Government Grant Resources
In line with this mission, the NIH has recently constituted the Small Business Innovation Research Phase IIB Bridge Awards to Accelerate the Development of Cancer Therapeutics, Imaging Technologies, Interventional Devices, Diagnostics, and Prognostics Toward Commercialization Program.
The Federal and State Technology Partnership Program works around the objective of being able to boost and strengthen the technological competitiveness of small business establishments in the United States of America.
Social Entrepreneurship
Vandana Shiva, a scientist and environmentalist known for her activism against GMOs, globalization, and patents on seeds and traditional foods, co-founded Navdanya.