The Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) Federal Justice Statistics Program (FJSP) collects, standardizes, and publishes statistics about the federal response to crime and the operation of the federal...more
The National Center will assist BJA to coordinate and build upon existing assets and resources to serve police agencies and their mental health and social service partners. Many of the resources that...more
Vision 21 Integrated Services for Victims Program: Increasing Access to Mental Health Services for Victims of Crime (Vision 21 ISV Program), consists of three purpose areas: (1) developing a suicide...more
OVC recognizes that federal, state, local, and tribal government and organizations must become better prepared and equipped to appropriately plan for, respond to, and fully support victims and...more
On September 4, 2003, President George W. Bush signed the Prison Rape Elimination Act of 2003 (Public Law 108-79). The act requires BJS to âcarry out, for each calendar year, a comprehensive...more
This award covers the design, testing, and implementation of the Census of State and Federal Adult Correctional Facilities (CSFACF). The CSFACF provides detailed information about the facilities in...more
The National Crime Statistics Exchange (NCS-X) Initiative is part of a national movement to expand the number of law enforcement (LE) agencies reporting incident-based crime data to the...more
Pursuant to Section 223(d) of the JJDP Act, if a state fails to submit a plan or submits a plan that does not meet the requirements of the JJDP Act, the OJJDP Administrator shall endeavor to make the...more
The ability to develop and maintain digital forensic expertise is essential for the viability of an ICAC task force. This solicitation supports the enhancement of task force capacity to effectively...more
Kendall Webb, founder of, brings the Internet into the philanthropic sector as a nonprofit organization. Her donor-advised fund San Francisco-based website connects couples to a plethora of charities through its wedding registries.