The grant will be used to train members the fire department and by the community for meetings and events.
Repairs to the annex include electrical upgrades, new flooring, insulation for energy efficiency and improvements to restrooms and the entrance.
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Programs that support the personal and social development of individuals and families; provide care, protection and supervision; and enhance the individual's independence and ability to manage his or her own resources. See also: Food (K03); Health Care (Major Group E); Housing (Major Group L); Legal Services (I05); Mental Health, Substance Abuse (Major Group F); Recreation & Sports (Major Group N); Youth Development (Major Group O) Use references: Community Services; Multiservice Programs; Neighborhood Multipurpose Centers; Settlement House Programs; Social Services; Social Work
HootSuite CEO Ryan Holmes says “…social tools are getting more broadly adopted across organizations. It’s not just marketing anymore, it’s sales, public relations, human relations, everywhere.”