The U.S Small Business Administration supports both the Small Business Development Center Program and SCORE to provide management assistance to current and prospective small business owners. These programs offer one-stop assistance to individuals and small businesses by providing a wide variety of information and guidance in central and easily accessible branch locations.
Office - SBDC
SBDC | SCORE | WBC | Other SBA Partner | CDFI |
While the federal government does not provide grants for starting or growing small businesses, it does provide a myriad of services to assist entrepreneurs in pursuit of their dreams. One of the mechanisms in place to promote small business growth and economic development are Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs).
The Federal Bureau of Prisons has recently constituted the development of the Jail Resource Management: Review and Revision Program wherein it intends to solicit applications for the revision of its existing Jail Resource Management Training Program.
The SBA is dedicated to lend a hand to the service people in America and directly links with the Patriot Express Loan for veterans who desire to initiate their own business and want to start commercial activities. The SBA also plays a role in encouraging growth and job creation during the process, which is an indispensable part to support economic prosperity.
Kendall Webb, founder of, brings the Internet into the philanthropic sector as a nonprofit organization. Her donor-advised fund San Francisco-based website connects couples to a plethora of charities through its wedding registries.