Drug Abuse and Addiction Research Programs
Department of Health and Human ServicesCancer Cause and Prevention Research
Department of Health and Human ServicesCancer Detection and Diagnosis Research
Department of Health and Human ServicesCardiovascular Diseases Research
Department of Health and Human ServicesBlood Diseases and Resources Research
Department of Health and Human ServicesDiabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research
Department of Health and Human ServicesAllergy, Immunology and Transplantation Research
Department of Health and Human ServicesMicrobiology and Infectious Diseases Research
Department of Health and Human ServicesBiomedical Research and Research Training
Department of Health and Human ServicesChild Health and Human Development Extramural Research
Department of Health and Human ServicesInternational Research and Research Training
Department of Health and Human ServicesVandana Shiva, a scientist and environmentalist known for her activism against GMOs, globalization, and patents on seeds and traditional foods, co-founded Navdanya.