The funding is part of an effort to provide the school district for compliance with the new Common Core standards, and will help with the upgrading of existing school technologies and online curriculum. The grant will be administered by the Connecticut Department of Education.
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Programs that research and promote the use of technology for effective teaching and learning. Asynchronous Learning Research; Asynchronous Instruction Research; Computer-Assisted Instruction Research; Computer-Based Instruction Research; Computer-Based Training Research; Computer-Managed Instruction Research; Distance Education Research; Distance Learning Research; E-Learning Research; Educational Use of the Internet Research; Educational Technology Research; Integrated Learning System Research; Interactive TV Research; Internet-Based Training Research; Synchronous Learning Research; Synchronous Instruction Research; Technology & Education Research; Virtual Classroom Research
Programs within the context of the formal educational system or offered as an adjunct to the traditional school curriculum which provide instructional services that are individualized or specialized to meet the special needs and interests of learners. Use references: Bilingual Education; Compensatory Education; Cooperative Extension; Correctional Education; Discovery Learning; Extension Education; Extension Services; Independent Learning; Independent Study Programs; Migrant Child Education; Migrant Education; Multicultural Education; Prison Education; Self Directed Learning; Self Instruction; Self Teaching; University Extension
Cause Artist has provided a video featuring Tessa Cleary and Alice Pickin with STREAT, a social enterprise that offers quality food and coffee.