Innovations in Applied Public Health Research
Department of Health and Human ServicesChronic Diseases: Research, Control, and Prevention
Department of Health and Human ServicesBirth Defects and Developmental Disabilities - Prevention and Surveillance
Department of Health and Human ServicesPrevention of Disease, Disability, and Death by Infectious Diseases
Department of Health and Human ServicesFood and Drug Administration_Research
Department of Health and Human ServicesOral Diseases and Disorders Research
Department of Health and Human ServicesInjury Prevention and Control Research and State and Community Based Programs
Department of Health and Human ServicesNIEHS Superfund Hazardous Substances_Basic Research and Education
Department of Health and Human ServicesResearch Related to Deafness and Communication Disorders
Department of Health and Human ServicesResearch and Training in Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Department of Health and Human ServicesNational Center on Sleep Disorders Research
Department of Health and Human ServicesOccupational Safety and Health Program
Department of Health and Human ServicesDrug Abuse and Addiction Research Programs
Department of Health and Human ServicesDiscovery and Applied Research for Technological Innovations to Improve Human Health
Department of Health and Human ServicesMinority Health and Health Disparities Research
Department of Health and Human ServicesPublic Health Preparedness and Response Science, Research, and Practice
Department of Health and Human ServicesNational Center for Advancing Translational Sciences
Department of Health and Human ServicesResearch Infrastructure Programs
Department of Health and Human ServicesCancer Cause and Prevention Research
Department of Health and Human ServicesCancer Detection and Diagnosis Research
Department of Health and Human ServicesCardiovascular Diseases Research
Department of Health and Human ServicesBlood Diseases and Resources Research
Department of Health and Human ServicesArthritis, Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases Research
Department of Health and Human ServicesDiabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Extramural Research
Department of Health and Human ServicesExtramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurological Disorders
Department of Health and Human ServicesAllergy, Immunology and Transplantation Research
Department of Health and Human ServicesMicrobiology and Infectious Diseases Research
Department of Health and Human ServicesBiomedical Research and Research Training
Department of Health and Human ServicesChild Health and Human Development Extramural Research
Department of Health and Human ServicesA Gilesgate-based shop and community facility, Hexham’s Core Music, launches a separate workshop where up to six people will be trained how to repair guitars and make ukuleles. The European Social Fund grant supported the project and has secured funds through the County Durham Communication Foundation to equip the workshop in Burn Lane.